Now part of Stryker
There are over
sprained ankles each year in the US.
If you're in that number, and have struggled to regain confidence after an ankle injury, we'd like to introduce you to the athletes below as they share their
stories of comeback
Despite his love for the sport of Tricking, Cody's acrobatic capabilities were increasingly limited by ankle injuries he had accumulated over a lifetime of sports. Desiring to pursue his sport without limitations, Cody decided to undergo reconstructive surgery using Artelon’s FLEXBAND. Led by a talented surgeon and rehabilitation team, Cody has experienced a full recovery to the activities and community he loves.

Going back to middle school, Jesus had been forced to compromise the life he wanted due to his ankles. As an adult, those compromises were creeping into his profession and his desire to have a family.
His persistence led him to a talented surgeon and FLEXBAND technology, as well as renewed vigor in his profession, and a new title...Dad.
Brooklyn has faced and overcome challenges her whole life. Injuring her ankle while playing collegiate soccer was simply the next hurdle to overcome and her decision to head back home to Charlotte for ankle surgery utilizing FLEXBAND was the ignition switch for her return to the sport that she loves.

Compromised performance from years of athletics had taken a toll on his ankle. Davis sought a plan to restore his explosiveness and the career he wanted in professional football.
That plan was developed, and executed to include FLEXBAND, and we can't wait to see where his story goes.